#56 Intuition on Fire: Healing Your Power Center to Amplify Claircognizance
Imagine having a secret superpower, an inner compass that guides you through life’s toughest decisions. What if that power already exists within you, waiting to be awakened? Deep in your solar plexus, the energy center of personal power and intuition, lies the key to unlocking your clear cognizant abilities. How can you tap into this wellspring of inner wisdom and transform your gut feelings into your greatest strengths?
I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to change your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at www.EmbodySoulPurpose.com You’re listening to the Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discover your desires and clear what’s blocking you from receiving.
The Revolutionary Act of Asking and Receiving
Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act. It’s time to be the one you’re looking for. This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to support you to restore your nervous system and enjoy personal power. It’s ideal that you’re listening in a place where you can relax and receive.
I’m thrilled to announce this is the third week of the Ecstatic Empath Eight-Week Series, in collaboration with the Sedona Soul Sisters show. Many empaths are unknowingly attuned only to the pain body. This series will support you to have clear boundaries with pain and awaken the channels that fuel the bliss body with ease and grace. If you would like to receive all the resources for this free series, visit the Ecstatic Empath Series and enter your name and email.
Awakening Your Inner Knowing
Take a moment to place your hand on your solar plexus, just below the curve of your rib cage. Feel the warmth and energy pulsing between your palm and your solar plexus. As you breathe deeply, imagine a radiant sun glowing within, its golden rays extending throughout your body. With each breath, this light grows stronger, filling you with confidence and clarity.
May this episode awaken your inner knowing and amplify your intuitive powers. We’re exploring the powerful connection between the solar plexus chakra, the powerhouse of your energy body, and claircognizance, the innate ability to know without knowing how you know.
Your solar plexus, or Manipura, is not just the seat of personal power and self-esteem. It is a gateway to heightened intuition and psychic abilities. By healing and strengthening this vital energy center, you can tap into a wellspring of inner wisdom, make decisions with unwavering certainty, and navigate life’s complexities with grace and insight.
Practical Techniques for Balance
Throughout our journey today, we’ll uncover practical techniques to balance your solar plexus and activate your claircognizant gifts, empowering you to trust your gut instincts and access knowledge beyond the realm of ordinary senses.
If you haven’t already, make yourself as comfortable and supported as possible. Allow your body, mind, and breath to deeply rest as we journey inward, slowly descending into a deeper state of relaxation, spiraling down a golden set of stairs, deeper and deeper into your solar center—the Manipura, the solar plexus.
Deepening Your Experience of Knowing and Trusting
As you see yourself descending the golden set of stairs, allowing your mind to move deeply down the stairs with you into the heart, you allow your body to soften and surrender as much as possible. Focus on lengthening your exhale, actively clearing events from the day and energy from the solar plexus. Feel yourself supported by the work already done in connecting with the root, the element of earth, the sacral chakra, and the element of water, and now moving into the solar plexus connected to the element of fire.
As you walk slowly, spiraling deeper and deeper into your conscious awareness, you deepen your experience of knowing and trusting your intuition and gut instincts, while allowing the fire of transformation to burn away self-doubt, overthinking, lack of self-esteem, and feelings of powerlessness.
Arriving at Personal Transformation
You find yourself arriving at the base of the stairs and as you walk toward the ocean, you see a giant bonfire in the sand and the infinity of stars overhead. Approaching this raging bonfire contained within a ring of stones and guardians, you feel its power and see sparks flying into the night sky. This fire symbolizes transformation and purification, helping you release old beliefs that have held you back.
Circling and spiraling around the flame, you connect with all elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—deepening your relationship with fire and allowing it to amplify your confidence and release self-doubt. This transformative experience instills in you a sense of clarity and power, guiding you to navigate life’s ups and downs with an unwavering inner compass.
Reflecting and Integrating
As you continue to move around the bonfire, you feel spontaneous, confident, and free, dancing and embracing your body’s wisdom. This fire burns within you, transforming what no longer serves you and amplifying your confidence and trust in your intuition.
Finally, finding yourself seated in front of the flames, you reflect on the experiences and transformations.
Here are the journal prompts and self-inquiry practices to deepen your reflection:
– Reflect on times when you felt powerless or lacking confidence. What beliefs were you holding at that moment? How might you transform those beliefs with the power of fire in your solar plexus?
– Describe the voice of your inner critic when it comes to trusting your intuition. Where do you think these doubts originated, and how can you challenge and transform these limiting beliefs?
– Explore situations where you ignored your gut feeling due to rational thinking or external influence. What subconscious fears or beliefs might have been at play? How can you honor both your intuition and logical mind moving forward?
– Identify a recurring pattern in your life that you’d like to change. How might this pattern be connected to your solar plexus energy or claircognizant abilities? What new beliefs would you need to adopt to break this cycle?
Returning to the Physical World
As you begin walking back through the sand towards the golden spiral staircase, you bring your awareness back to your physical environment, deepening your breath, wiggling your fingers and toes, and gently opening your eyes to take in the lights and colors of the room you’re in.
Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement.
If you’re craving deeper exploration of your desires, consider booking a sensual hypnosis desire session with me. To schedule your desire session, visit www.DesireSession.com
Finally, I’m thrilled to invite you to experience personalized purpose coaching with me. The Embody Soul Purpose series transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and future through soul retrieval and timeline healing processes. Schedule your life-changing series at www.EmbodySoulPurpose.com
I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I’m sending you so much love.
Unlock the hidden power of your emotions and tap into a world of intuitive wisdom and psychic insights you never knew existed. Are you ready to dive deep into the sensual waters of the sacral chakra and discover how it can transform your ability to sense and understand the energies around you?
I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to change your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at embodysoulpurpose.com. You’re listening to the Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discover your desires and clear what’s blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act.
Discovering Your Inner Self
This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to support you in restoring your nervous system and enjoying personal power. It’s ideal that you’re listening in a place you can relax and receive. I am very excited about the eight-week series in collaboration with the Sedona Soul Sisters show called the Ecstatic Empath Series.
Free Ecstatic Empath Series
Many empaths are unknowingly attuned only to the pain body. This series will support you in having clear boundaries with pain and awakening the channels that fuel the bliss body with joy, ease, and grace. If you’d like to receive all of the resources and updates on the entire free Ecstatic Empath series, visit www.EcstaticEmpath.com and enter your name and email.
Connecting with the Sacral Chakra
Now, close your eyes and place your hands on your lower belly. Below your navel, feel the warmth of your hands connecting with your sacral chakra. Envision the creative intelligence and emotional energy pulsing there. With each breath, affirm: “I open myself to the flow of intuition, embracing my ability to sense and understand emotions with clarity, courage, and compassion.”
The sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is our energetic center of emotion and intuition. It holds the key to unlocking profound emotional awareness and psychic sensitivity. This powerful energy vortex governs our ability to feel, connect, and interpret the subtle emotional currents that surround us.
Embracing Emotional Clairsentience
It plays a crucial role in developing emotional clairsentience, the psychic ability to sense and understand the feelings of others and the emotional imprints of places and objects. By nurturing and balancing the sacral chakra, we open ourselves to a deeper level of emotional intelligence, allowing us to navigate the complex landscape of human emotions with greater ease and insight.
Harnessing the Water Element
This chakra’s connection to the water element enhances our capacity to flow with and intuitively understand emotional energies and charges, making it an essential focal point for those seeking to develop empathic abilities. Addressing the shadows and challenges of a sacral chakra that is out of balance, such as emotional repression, guilt, and shame, can be supported by the practices presented in this podcast.
Relaxing into the Healing Journey
If you haven’t already, make yourself as physically comfortable and supported as possible. Close your eyes gently, perhaps using an eye mask or an eye pillow, and let your body feel heavy, settled, and grounded. Notice the movement of your breath without needing to change anything, bringing more attention and awareness into the physical sensations you are experiencing now.
Allow your breath to move in like a wave, washing in and over you, clearing away anything you no longer need. The breath, as a wave, moves in filling every cell of your body, and moves out, clearing away every level of your body, mind, and being.
Visualizing Your Relaxation Space
For your next three exhales, actively push out anything—thoughts, feelings, sensations—that you no longer need. The breath flowing in, clearing out. Now, feel yourself descending a set of stairs into a canyon where a river flows at the base. Hot springs and a comfortable bathtub await you, ready to support your journey.
Supporting Your Emotional Alchemy
As you relax in the healing hot springs, your sacral chakra is cleared and activated into a great center of creative power. Your guides, angels, and teachers help clear your energetic and etheric body, supporting you in seeing, feeling, and understanding emotional energy on a whole new level. Embrace the alchemy of sensitivity and the understanding of emotional clairsentience as you navigate the emotional realm.
Activating Your Soul Purpose
The river flows as a powerful metaphor for emotional energy, inviting you to work with its natural flow rather than resist it. See, feel, and sense the activation of your sacral chakra, aligning your soul purpose with your newfound clarity and courage. Reflect on the greatest emotional charges in your life, and learn how to work with, rather than against, these energies.
Embodying Emotional Mastery
As you rest and relax, know that you have the ability to discern and interpret the emotional information you receive. Establish healthy boundaries with your emotional clairsentience, and understand that you can choose when to open and close the channel of receiving information.
Next Steps and Reflections
Before closing, consider these self-inquiry questions and journal prompts:
– Describe a recent situation where you felt emotionally overwhelmed. How did this manifest in your body, and what insights did it provide about your emotional sensitivity?
– How does your creative expression serve as a channel for your intuitive and emotional insights?
– Reflect on a time when you accurately sensed someone else’s emotions without them telling you. What cues did you pick up on, and how did you interpret them?
As you rise from the healing waters and return to your physical body, take a moment to reflect on the journey. Your journey towards greater emotional clarity and spiritual awakening awaits.
Thank you for being a part of the Pleasure Led Movement. I am honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.
If you crave a deeper exploration of your desires, consider booking a Sensual Hypnosis Desire Session with me. Visit www.DesireSession.com to schedule.
For personalized purpose coaching, the Embody Soul Purpose Series transforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder, harmonizing all seven main energy centers.
Schedule your life-changing series at www.EmbodySoulPurpose.com
Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.
I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I’m sending you so much love.
Imagine a life where following your intuition is as natural as breathing. A life where you can sense energies and navigate through them effortlessly. I invite you on a hypnotic journey to awaken your root chakra and ignite your psychic senses.
Are you ready to delve deep into your subconscious and emerge with heightened intuitive powers that could transform your life?
I am on a mission to transform your relationship with your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at embodysoulpurpose.com. You’re listening to the Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discovering your desires and clearing what’s blocking you from receiving them.
Introduction to the Desire Sessions Podcast
Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act. It’s time to be the one you’re looking for. This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to support you in restoring your nervous system and enjoying personal power. Ideally, you’ll be listening in a place where you can relax and receive.
Connecting to Your Root Chakra
Start by placing your hands on your lower belly and feel the warmth of your hands connecting to your root chakra. Take a deep breath and imagine roots growing from the base of your spine down through your legs and feet into the earth. As you exhale, set your intention: “I am grounded, open, and ready to awaken my intuitive gifts.”
This episode is crafted to awaken and amplify your innate psychic abilities through the power of your root chakra. By tapping into this fundamental energy center, you will not only ground yourself in a profound sense of safety and stability but also create a foundation for expanding your intuitive reach.
The Guided Hypnotic Experience
Through this soul-crafted hypnosis, you will learn to clear blockages in your root chakra, enhancing your clairsentience—the ability to sense and feel energies. This might even ignite your potential for psychometry, allowing you to read and receive information through touch. As we weave together deep relaxation, vivid visualization, and powerful suggestions, you’ll discover how to integrate your newfound awareness into your daily life.
Awakening Your Innate Psychic Abilities
By the end of our session, you’ll have experienced a deep connection to your intuitive gifts, feeling more grounded yet spiritually attuned. You’ll be equipped with practical tools to continue developing your psychic senses, preparing to unlock a new level of self-awareness and intuitive powers that can guide you towards a more insightful and purposeful life.
The Ecstatic Empath Series
I’m thrilled that this episode is the first of an eight-week collaboration with the Sedona Soul Sisters show, called the Ecstatic Empath Series. Many empaths unknowingly attune only to the pain body. This series will help you establish clear boundaries with pain and awaken the channels that fuel the bliss body with joy. If you wish to receive updates on the entire free series, visit www.ecstaticempath.com and enter your name and email.
Settling into Deep Relaxation
Settle deeper into your physical body by taking gentle, deeper breaths. Focus on your exhale, especially on lengthening it to clear your physical, mental, emotional, spirit, and soul. Move your attention towards the back of your body and down into the center of the base of your hips. Continue settling by moving your awareness into the very core of your hips. Each exhale supports you in clearing, settling, and relaxing more deeply.
Connecting to Your Higher Self
Know that you and your subconscious mind are working together in this healing practice. I am your guide, yet you decide how deeply you go. Trust that your teachers, guides, and angels are protecting, supporting, and loving you so that you can surrender as deeply as possible into this healing journey.
The Journey to the Redwood Grove
Imagine yourself at the top of a set of stairs, walking down, down, down into a more integrated and relaxed state. You find yourself in a wilderness headed towards a grove of ancient redwood trees. The temperature of the air caresses your skin, making you feel comfortable and relaxed. As you continue walking down the steps, you feel more comfortable and confident in your body.
Arriving at the base of the stairs, you find a perfect recliner built into the root system of a giant redwood tree. Settle into this spot, feeling deeply supported and connected to the earth. As you relax, feel your whole body and mind being easily connected to the core of the earth and your root center, aligning with the color red and the sound “lam.”
Psychic Development and Integration
Feel the earth element more beautifully aligned in your whole being. Know that your root chakra is being cleared, balanced, aligned, and activated, releasing years of blockages, fear, and limiting beliefs. Relax into the embrace of the earth, allowing yourself to be received, loved, and supported.
As you develop your psychic sense of clairsentience, remember there’s nothing for you to do except open and remember your ability to sense or feel the emotions, physical sensations, or energy of others. Trust that your system is calibrating to just the right amount, and deepen your abilities when you are ready. Your psychic sense is rooted in your physical experience, allowing your body to hold and utilize the information for the highest good of yourself and others.
Nurturing Your Psychic Gifts
Explore your psychic ability for psychometry, the capacity to receive information about an object or person by touching or holding them. You know how to have clear and healthy boundaries with your psychic gifts, opening the channels for receiving information and knowing when to maintain boundaries to stay centered in yourself.
Deepen your presence in your physical body, open timelines for yourself and others, and align with the greater good. Trust in your ability to ground yourself, receive and interpret impressions, and integrate the work of awakening your root chakra.
Embodying Your Divine and Human Self
Recognize that your body is the meeting place of your divinity and humanity. Embrace all aspects of yourself, aligned with your soul purpose, and stay present, grounded, and sensitive. Navigate being a divine channel for your soul purpose in a physical human form. Your soul knows what you are ready for, bringing together your humanity and divinity in the present moment.
Self-Inquiry and Reflection
As you reflect on this hypnotic journey, consider these questions:
– What sensations or emotions did you experience when connecting with your root chakra? How might these insights inform your daily grounding practice?
– During the clairsentience exercise, did you notice any particular areas of your body that felt more receptive to energy? How can you nurture this awareness in your everyday life?
– Did any objects emerge during the psychometry visualizations? How might these relate to your current life situation?
– How did the experience of balancing groundedness and intuitive awareness feel in your body? Where do you see opportunities to maintain this balance in your daily routines?
– What was the most surprising or insightful moment for you during this hypnotic journey? How do you intend to integrate this new understanding into your practices?
Are you ready for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Seriestransforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.
Welcome to a healing exploration of your psychic gifts through chakra activation.
In a world full of distractions and demands, finding the time and space to connect with your deeper self can be challenging. However, under the surface, you hold a wealth of wisdom and psychic abilities that are waiting to be discovered. Imagine unlocking a hidden doorway within yourself, leading to a world of heightened intuition and psychic abilities. As you journey through the vibrant energy centers of your body, called the chakras, you’ll awaken senses you may never have known you had. Together, let’s uncover the extraordinary insights and abilities that emerge as we harmonize your chakras and unleash your inner psychic.
My name is Christel Arcucci, and I am devoted to transforming how you experience your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at www.embodysoulpurpose.com
Preparing for the Journey
Before we begin, find a place where you can relax and receive fully. Start by placing your hands gently on your body, perhaps on your belly and heart. Notice the breath moving in and out of your body, and feel the connection between your hands and your body. As you breathe deeply, visualize a column of vibrant light flowing through you, activating each one of your chakras. With this vibrant energy coursing through you, set your intention to awaken your psychic abilities and intuitive gifts.
The Chakra Journey
We will explore your body’s energy centers and their connection to your intuitive abilities. This guided experience is designed to harmonize your seven main chakras, from grounding at the root to divine connection through your crown, while simultaneously activating your psychic senses.
Root Chakra
Begin by bringing your attention to your feet, legs, and the base of your pelvis. Connect deeply to your root chakra, which anchors you to the element of earth. Feel grounded, present, and relaxed as you expand your ability to sense physical sensations and emotions.
Sacral Chakra
Move to the sacral chakra, located above the pubic bone and below the navel. This chakra is connected to the element of water and your emotional center, enhancing your emotional awareness and intelligence. Embrace your emotional clairsentience, the ability to tune into the emotions of others.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Above the navel and below the ribcage lies the solar plexus chakra, related to the element of fire. This is your inner sun, where you cultivate clear cognizance, or the ability to understand information through extrasensory means. This solar power can burn through illusions and blocks, accessing the truth that serves the highest good.
Heart Chakra
Situated below the collarbones and above the ribcage curve, the heart chakra is linked to the element of air. Here, we foster clear empathy, the deep understanding and feeling of others’ emotions. Cultivate your compassion and love for humanity, tapping into both their pain and joy.
Throat Chakra
From the area above the collarbones to the bridge of your nose, the throat chakra is connected to the element of space. This is where we develop clear audience, psychic smell, and taste. The purer your physical body, the easier it is to perceive and communicate your psychic gifts.
Third Eye Chakra
Located from the bridge of the nose to the hairline, this chakra is also tied to the element of space. Here, we nurture clairvoyance, the ability to see events and people that aren’t physically present. Open the channel of your third eye and activate your psychic vision.
Crown Chakra
Finally, at the top of your head, the crown chakra connects to the infinity of space. This is the seat of clairvoyant mediumship and precognition, the ability to communicate with spirits or foresee future events. Visualize the violet flame opening this chakra, connecting you to divine messages and higher wisdom.
Closing and Reflection
With every chakra now activated and glowing, you are a brilliant channel of pure energy and psychic abilities. Allow yourself to soften and ground these energies back into the core of your body.
1. During the journey, which chakra activation felt most intense or vivid to you? Reflect on how this might relate to your current life experiences or areas where your intuition is strongest.
2. Did you notice any physical sensations, emotions, or spontaneous thoughts arise during the activation of specific chakras? Describe these experiences and consider what insights they might offer about your psychic abilities.
3. Visualize your personal symbol of intuitive power that emerged during the journey. What does this symbol mean to you, and how might you incorporate it into your daily life to strengthen your connection to your psychic senses?
4. After the journey, which “clair” ability feels most accessible to you right now? Describe a situation in the near future where you could consciously apply this ability.
5. Reflecting on the entire experience, what surprised you most about your inner landscape? How has this journey shifted your perspective on your intuitive potential, and what one step will you take to nurture this aspect of yourself?
Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Seriestransforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.
In this powerful episode of The Desire Sessions, we delve deep into the heart of masculine energy and the profound impact of the father wound. As we navigate the complexities of modern masculinity, we explore how healing our deepest wounds can unlock transformative power and authentic self-expression.
Understanding the Father Wound
The father wound is more than just a personal struggle—it’s a collective experience that shapes our understanding of masculinity, power, and self-worth. We examine the various forms this wound can take and how it influences our relationships, career choices, and overall well-being.
The Ripple Effect: How Unhealed Wounds Shape Our World
Unaddressed father wounds don’t just affect individuals; they ripple out into society, influencing everything from interpersonal dynamics to global leadership. We discuss the broader implications of healing this wound and its potential to create positive change on a larger scale.
Redefining Healthy Masculine Energy
What does healthy masculine energy look like in today’s world? We challenge traditional stereotypes and explore a more nuanced, balanced approach to masculinity that embraces both strength and vulnerability.
The Healing Journey: Practical Steps and Insights
Embark on a transformative journey with us as we outline practical steps for healing the father wound. From self-reflection exercises to energy work, we provide a toolkit for those ready to embrace their full potential.
Integrating the Divine Masculine and Feminine
True healing comes from balance. Learn how to honor and integrate both masculine and feminine energies within yourself, regardless of your gender identity.
Cultivating Healthy Masculine Energy in Daily Life
Discover actionable strategies for embodying healthy masculine energy in your relationships, work, and personal growth journey.
The Ripple Effect of Healing: Creating a Better World
As we heal ourselves, we heal the world. Explore how your personal journey can contribute to a more balanced, compassionate, and empowered society.
Conclusion: Embracing Your Authentic Power
Are you for a personalized purpose coaching with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Seriestransforms wounds from the past into wisdom and wonder in the present and the future, in a soul retrieval and timeline healing process to clear, balance and harmonize of all 7 main energy centers. Embrace all aspects of your past so you can create the greatest chapter of your life.
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I believe in you and the magic power of your soul.I am sending you so much love!
Join us for this transformative episode of The Desire Sessions as we unlock the power of healthy masculine energy and pave the way for profound personal and collective healing.