Journey with the Great Mother to Heal the Mother Wound #48

Journey with the Great Mother to Heal the Mother Wound #48

Do you sometimes feel a longing for something deeper, a desire for a connection to the sacred feminine? Many of us carry wounds and patterns rooted in the mother wound with a lack of support and nurturing.

By accessing the well of divine feminine energy that has been suppressed by layers of pain and societal conditioning, we can reignite the inner flame that allows us to embody our full, sacred life-giving balance between the masculine and feminine forces within.

In a world where the sacred feminine energy is often suppressed or overlooked, there is a deep longing for connection and healing. The mother wound, rooted in generational patterns and societal conditioning, can affect us on a profound level. But what if we told you that healing is possible through a journey with the Great Mother herself?

Exploring the Divine Feminine:
The journey to heal the mother wound begins with accessing the divine energy that lies within us, waiting to be unleashed. It’s about finding the balance between the feminine and masculine forces within, regardless of gender or motherhood status. By shedding what binds us and embracing our true power, magic, and beauty, we can step into our full potential.

Hypnosis Journey to Healing:
Close your eyes and imagine walking through a tunnel illuminated by stars representing events and emotional charges from past lives. Travel backward through time, exploring the lineage of women and mothers before you. Feel the calm on a soul level, knowing that you are held and loved by the Great Mother.

Receiving Unconditional Love:
The healing journey involves receiving unconditional love from the Great Mother, allowing old patterns of self-attack and neglect to dissolve. By becoming the mother to yourself, you create a deep connection to the sacred feminine within. Your breath becomes a practice of inhaling love and exhaling your full self to the Great Mother.

Embodying Soul Purpose:
As you reconnect with your soul essence and the healing power of the Divine Feminine, you can embrace all aspects of your past and step into the greatest chapter of your life. Consider booking a desire session to delve deeper into healing the mother wound or explore personalized rites of passage to activate your energy centers and find balance within.

The journey with the Great Mother to heal the mother wound is a transformative experience that goes beyond personal healing. It is a reconnection to the infinite love and support that surrounds us, guiding us towards a life filled with love, power, and wealth. Embrace this journey, embody your soul purpose, and unlock the magic power of your soul.

To schedule your Desire session to Heal the Mother Wound visit

Your desires deserve attention, and I’d love to support you.

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Chakra Healing Journey for Spiritual Awakening #47

Chakra Healing Journey for Spiritual Awakening #47

Journey to Explore the Mysteries of Chakra Healing for Spiritual Awakening

Welcome to a transformative journey through the world of chakras, the energy centers within our bodies that hold the key to unlocking our inner power and vitality. In this episode, we will delve deep into the ancient practice of chakra healing, exploring the seven main chakras and their profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Understanding the Chakra System:
The word “chakra” originates from Sanskrit and translates to “wheel.” These energetic wheels are fundamental to regulating the flow of vital life force energy throughout our beings. When these chakras are balanced and open, they enable the free flow of energy, promoting vibrant health and overall well-being. However, imbalances in these energy centers can lead to physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual challenges.

The Seven Main Chakras:
The journey into chakra healing begins with an exploration of the seven main chakras that align along the spine, each with its unique qualities and attributes. From the foundational root chakra that grounds us to the ethereal crown chakra that connects us to divine consciousness, each chakra plays a vital role in our holistic well-being.

Chakra Healing Practices:
Incorporating various healing practices such as visualization, sound therapy, and mindful breathing, we can begin to restore balance and harmony to our chakra system. By working with seed sounds and power statements related to each chakra, we can enhance the flow of energy, address imbalances, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness.

Embarking on Your Chakra Healing Journey:
Whether you are new to the world of chakras or a seasoned practitioner, exploring your unique relationship with each energy center can be a profoundly transformative experience. From grounding practices for the root chakra to fostering intuition in the third eye, each step along this journey offers an opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

Integration and Embodiment:
Chakra healing is not merely a theoretical concept but a practice of embodiment and integration. By incorporating elements such as color, sound, and sacred symbols into our daily lives, we can deepen our connection to our bodies and senses, enhancing our experience of each moment.

As we conclude this exploration of chakra healing for spiritual awakening, I invite you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation. By engaging with the practices and insights shared in this episode, may you awaken to the infinite potential that resides within you and embrace a life filled with joy, balance, and alignment.

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app.

I believe in you and the magic power of your soul.  I am sending you so much love!

Embody Your Inner Healer to Heal Core Wounds – Hypnosis Journey #46

Embody Your Inner Healer to Heal Core Wounds – Hypnosis Journey #46

Embody Your Inner Healer to Heal Core Wounds: A Transformative Hypnosis Journey

Are you ready to release the wounded healer story that has held you back, and step into your power as a healer who has not only witnessed suffering but has transmuted the experiences into deep wisdom, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to your own healing and growth?

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the wounds we carry within us – wounds that shape our experiences, beliefs, and interactions with the world. But what if you could release the stories of the wounded healer and step into your power as a healer who has transmuted their experiences into wisdom, compassion, and growth? This blog post will take you on a hypnotic journey to discover your inner healer and heal your core wounds.

Meet Your Guide: Christel Arcucci

I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m here to guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Through the power of hypnosis, we will embark on a transformative experience that will help you tap into your inner healer and unlock your true potential.

The Healing Journey Begins

As you settle into a comfortable space and close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let go of the outside world. You are about to embark on a magical journey through a redwood forest, guided by your spirit self and surrounded by healing energy.

Meeting Your Inner Archetypes

As you walk through the forest, you come across a round house where six familiar beings await you. These beings represent different aspects of yourself – the wounded child, wounded feminine, wounded masculine, wise child, wise feminine, and wise masculine. Through their interactions, you witness the patterns that have shaped your life and the healing that is waiting to unfold.

Embracing Wholeness and Healing

As you observe the interactions of these archetypes, you begin to see the ways in which your wounded and wise selves coexist within you. By tending to the challenges each archetype faces and embracing their wisdom, you can navigate the complexities of your inner world with compassion, honesty, and growth.

Transforming Pain into Power

Through this journey, you will unlock the power of your inner healer and transform your core wounds into opportunities for growth and presence. By integrating your past experiences and embracing all aspects of yourself, you can create a new chapter in your life filled with purpose, love, and healing.

Embody Your Inner Healer

As you return from this hypnotic journey, remember that you have the power to embody your inner healer at any moment. Each time you touch on your core wounds and tend to them, you unlock more potential, power, and presence in your life. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and healing, and watch as your life transforms before your eyes.

Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Unlocking Potential Through Adversity Sensual Hypnosis #45

Unlocking Potential Through Adversity Sensual Hypnosis #45

Adversity is a word that often brings feelings of discomfort and challenge. It’s those moments in life where we feel tested, where obstacles seem insurmountable, and where we question our strength and resilience. What if adversity is not just a roadblock, but also a pathway to growth, self-discovery, unlocking potential and personal power?

In a world where challenges are inevitable, it’s essential to reframe our perspective and see adversity as an opportunity for transformation. This healing journey with Personal Power Reframe, led by Christel aims to shift our perception of pleasure, power, and money. It invites us to explore the depths of our experiences, confront our obstacles, and emerge stronger and more resilient.

The Desire Sessions podcast serves as a guiding light on this transformative journey, helping listeners uncover their desires and remove the barriers preventing them from receiving what they truly want. It challenges us to ask for what we desire unapologetically, reminding us that self-discovery and growth require courage and clarity.

As you embark on this hypnotic audio journey, allow yourself to settle into a space of relaxation and receptivity. Feel the magnetic pull of power within you, drawing you back into the present moment. With each breath, invite your awareness to deepen and your mind to soften, forging a deeper connection between your mind, body, heart, and soul.

Through the practice of moving energy through your body, you cultivate clarity, presence, and resilience in the face of challenges. You become the architect of your experience, deciding what is possible and embracing the adversity that has shaped you. It’s a journey of self-reflection, empowerment, and reclaiming your innate wisdom.

On the giant screen of your mind, scenes from your life unfold, revealing the challenges and obstacles that have shaped you. As you witness these moments without emotional attachment, you glean wisdom from past wounds and integrate lessons from past struggles. You realize that adversity has been a portal to your growth and transformation.

This practice of inquiry—asking “How is this happening for me?” instead of “Why is this happening to me?”—empowers you to reclaim your power and embrace the unknown with courage and curiosity. It’s a reminder that even in moments of despair, you hold the key to your own healing and transformation.

As you rest on the giant red stone, grounded and centered, you reconnect with your soul self and the wisdom pulsing through the earth. You release ties to the past and step into the power of the present, infused with the creative potential of the future. You become the embodiment of wisdom, resilience, and personal power.

Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

I want to extend a special invitation to our listeners. If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they be personal or professional, consider booking a Desire session by phone with me. It’s a unique opportunity to delve into your dreams, purpose, and clear limiting belief codes that are blocking you.

To schedule your Desire session visit

Your desires deserve attention, and I’d love to support you.

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Create a Secure Relationship with Yourself – Healing Journey #44

Create a Secure Relationship with Yourself – Healing Journey #44

Embracing Self-Acceptance: A Healing Journey to Intimacy with Yourself

Have you ever wondered what it truly feels like to accept yourself fully, flaws and all? How can we cultivate a deep sense of self-acceptance and create a secure relationship with ourselves? Join me on a healing journey that explores the intimacy of self-acceptance and guides you towards establishing a strong connection with your inner self.

Embracing Self-Acceptance

Imagine being able to embrace all aspects of yourself with love and compassion. This healing journey is about just that – embracing self-acceptance in its purest form. It is a journey towards understanding and appreciating who you are at your core.

Journey to Self-Discovery

As you embark on this hypnotic audio journey, you are invited to delve deep into your being. Start by placing one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Feel the connection with your body, the rhythm of your breath, and the stillness within. Allow yourself to relax and let go as you journey inward.

Connecting with Your Inner Sanctuary

Visualize yourself entering a sacred garden, a place of peace and serenity. Explore the sights, sounds, and scents of this extraordinary space. Notice the vibrant flowers, the ancient trees, and the buzzing of life around you. Take in the beauty and tranquility of this sanctuary.

The Power of Self-Reflection

In the depths of this sacred garden, you encounter a magical mirror that reflects back a different version of yourself. A version that is kind, compassionate, and accepting. This reflection reminds you of the importance of self-love and understanding. Embrace this new perspective and let it guide you towards a deeper connection with yourself.

Embracing Your Imperfections

As you walk through the garden, run your fingers over the leaves, smell the fragrant flowers, and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Embrace your imperfections and see them as a part of your unique journey. Accept yourself fully, flaws and all, knowing that you are worthy of love and appreciation.

Cultivating Self-Acceptance Daily

As you leave the garden, carry with you the lessons of self-acceptance. Remember that each day is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with yourself. Honor your commitments, show up for yourself, and be kind and supportive towards yourself. Embrace each moment with meaning, purpose, and love.

### Join the Pleasure Led Movement

I invite you to be part of the Pleasure Led Movement and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Explore your desires, clear limiting beliefs, and align with your true purpose. Book a desire session with me to start your personal transformation.

Embody Soul Purpose

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app or visit

I believe in you and the magic power of your soul.  I am sending you so much love!

Journey to Embrace Your Whole Self with Shadow Integration #43

Journey to Embrace Your Whole Self with Shadow Integration #43

Have you ever felt like there’s a part of you that you just can’t let the world see? A side that’s too messy, too raw, too unacceptable to bring into the light? What if I told you that embracing those shadowy aspects of yourself could be the key to living a truly authentic and whole life?

On today’s episode, we’re diving into shadow integration, the powerful work of making peace with all of the parts that you have been hiding away. Get ready to befriend your shadows and watch them transform into allies on the path of radical self-acceptance.

The Power of Embracing Your Shadows:

In the journey of exploring your shadow aspects, it’s essential to stay connected and grounded in your presence, your power, and your willingness to delve deep into uncovering the parts of yourself that have been cast aside. It’s a process of reimagining your relationship with your shadows and recognizing them as allies rather than adversaries.

Releasing Self-Attack and Embracing Self-Acceptance

One of the key aspects of shadow work is letting go of self-attack and harsh self-criticism. By acknowledging that the shadow characters within us and around us are protectors in disguise, we can begin to unravel the wisdom and insight they hold. This journey invites us to see the hidden desires and creative impulses that have been suppressed, paving the way for a new relationship with our own power.

Navigating the Dance of Light and Shadow

As we sit in the metaphorical cave, gazing into the fire that casts shadows on the walls, we are invited to witness the interplay of light and shadow in our lives. By embracing both the desirable and the undesirable aspects of ourselves, we can begin to co-create a reality that integrates all facets of our essence. This dance of light and shadow teaches us to navigate challenges with skill and grace, knowing that they are essential elements of our human experience.

Embodying the Power of Integration:

As we conclude our journey into the depths of shadow integration, we are reminded of the importance of embodying all aspects of ourselves – the light and the dark, the pain and the pleasure. By releasing resistance and surrendering to the flow of life, we step into a new paradigm of co-creation where our shadows become our allies. This practice of working with our inner and outer enemies transforms the battleground into a playground of divine play.

As you awaken from this journey of shadow integration, remember that true wholeness comes from embracing all parts of yourself – the light and the shadow. By honoring the power of integration, you pave the way for a legendary life filled with authenticity, creativity, and profound self-acceptance.

Thank you for joining us on this pleasure-led movement towards self-discovery and empowerment. May you continue to embrace the wild ride of life with courage and grace.

Are you ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Journey to Build Confidence with Emotional Resilience #42

Journey to Build Confidence with Emotional Resilience #42

Would you like to access greater power from challenging emotions? How can you enjoy a full spectrum of emotions with curiosity, humor and play?

Emotions can often feel inconvenient, overwhelming and challenging, it’s helpful to explore ways to harness the power of our feelings rather than being controlled by them. Imagine embracing the full spectrum of emotions with curiosity, humor, and playfulness. This healing journey to build confidence with emotional resilience is a transformative experience guided by Christel Arcucci.

Opening Up to Healing and Transformation
As we embark on this healing and hypnotic audio journey, we are invited to restore our nervous systems, reclaim our power, and dive deep into the core of our emotional landscapes. This journey is not just about developing resilience but also about building confidence in who we are and what we do.

Connecting with Nature and Inner Wisdom
Picture yourself walking along a serene country road on a beautiful spring day, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature awakening around you. The gentle rain, the blooming flowers, and the mesmerizing rainbow in the sky serve as metaphors for the wisdom and beauty that can emerge from life’s storms.

Embracing the Full Spectrum of Emotions
Just like the colors of a rainbow blend seamlessly, our emotions too can transition gracefully from one to another. This journey teaches us to view emotional challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. By accepting and exploring our feelings with curiosity and humor, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Rediscovering Your Inner Light
As you immerse yourself in this healing journey, envision a golden light radiating from within you, filling you with renewed energy and playfulness. This light represents your power, creativity, and ability to navigate life’s challenges with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Embodying Soul Purpose and Personal Growth
Through this journey, you are encouraged to embrace all aspects of your past, present, and future. By integrating lost parts of yourself and activating your energy centers, you can step into the greatest chapter of your life, no matter your age or circumstances.

Conclusion: Embracing Your Journey of Healing and Growth
As you conclude this transformative audio experience, remember to enliven your body, open your eyes to the world around you, and embrace the magic power of your soul.

Ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to Embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment #41

Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment #41

Are you ready Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment? In simple terms what that means is to release habits, patterns and ways of being that no longer serve you so you can experience more ease and joy in your life?

Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment

In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get stuck in routines, habits, and ways of thinking that no longer serve us. What if there are practices to break free from this cycle of disempowerment and experience more joy and ease in our lives? That’s where the concept of jumping timelines and dumping the trance of disempowerment comes in.

Imagine being able to release the stories, beliefs, and narratives that hold you back and instead, focus on creating the life of your dreams. This powerful practice is about reclaiming your power, directing your energy onto the timeline you want to be living, and letting go of the disempowering patterns that keep you stuck.

The Desire Sessions podcast, hosted by Christel Arcucci, offers a unique and transformative audio journey to support you in restoring your nervous system and reclaiming your power. Through a series of guided exercises and meditations, listeners are encouraged to connect with their inner selves, release limiting beliefs, and focus on manifesting their deepest desires.

Releasing the Trance of Disempowerment
The first step in jumping timelines is to become aware of the trance of disempowerment that may be controlling your life. This trance is not just limited to your personal self-talk but also extends to the stories of your family, community, and the collective consciousness. By recognizing when you fall into this trance and consciously choosing to redirect your energy and attention, you can start to break free from its grip.

Anchoring Yourself in the Present Moment
One powerful practice shared in the podcast is the importance of anchoring yourself in the present moment. By using specific coordinates, including stating your name, the date, and your location, you can collect your energy and focus into the now. This practice helps you choose which timeline to travel on from this moment, empowering you to co-create your reality.

Embodying Liberation Through Movement
Another key aspect of jumping timelines is moving and embodying liberation through physical practices. By moving your body guided by your life force energy, you can release stored emotions, patterns, and limitations. Your body is a portal to your power, and by embracing and moving in it, you can unlock new levels of self-expression and empowerment.

Power of Breath and Intention
The podcast emphasizes the power of breath, movement, and intention in influencing your life. By breathing, moving, and speaking into being who you are and what you desire, you can create quantum leaps in your reality. This practice is about making the unfamiliar familiar, focusing on what you want to create rather than dwelling on past patterns.

Co-Creating Your Reality
Ultimately, the practice of jumping timelines is a daily and moment-by-moment invitation to co-create your reality. It’s about aligning with your soul’s purpose, reclaiming your power, and choosing to embody your true essence in every moment. Through this practice, you can tap into the creative key within you and shape the present and future you desire.

Remember that you hold the power to jump timelines and experience the life you truly desire. Embrace the practice of releasing the trance of disempowerment, anchoring yourself in the present moment, and embodying liberation through movement. By doing so, you can unlock new possibilities, reclaim your power, and create a reality aligned with your soul’s purpose.

To schedule your Desire session visit

Your desires deserve attention, and I’d love to support you.

Ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with me? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Embrace all aspects of your past no matter what happened so you can create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your current age.

if you are interested to explore working with me to embody Soul Purpose Rites of Passages Series please visit

The Art of Abundance – Enjoy More & Stress Less #40

The Art of Abundance – Enjoy More & Stress Less #40

You’ve heard the phrase, “We live in an abundant universe,” this journey is focused on the deep embodied experience of the art of abundance, enjoy more and stress less.

Self Inquiry practice for reflection or journaling:
Where do you see evidence that you live in an abundant universe?
Where do you experience abundance right now?

The Art of Abundance – Enjoy More & Stress Less: A Guided Journey

You’ve heard the whispers of an abundant universe, but have you truly felt it in your bones? Let’s embark on a deep, embodied experience of abundance guided by Christel Arcucci. Through the Desire Sessions podcast, we navigate the lightning path to uncover our desires and clear the blocks hindering us from receiving.

The Power of Breath and Presence

Take a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Through guided breathwork and relaxation, we delve into the art of presence and mindfulness. Let go of the tangled knots of stress and embrace the simple yet profound act of receiving and releasing with each breath.

Journeying into the Depths of Abundance

Visualize yourself standing on the edge of a vast ocean, feeling the waves wash over your feet. Dive into the expansive ocean of abundance, where possibilities stretch beyond what the eye can see. Let go of limitations and embrace the infinite nature of the universe, opening your mind to new experiences and creative opportunities.

Awakening the Soul to Abundance

As you breathe in the air of the universe, feel the divinity of your soul awaken to the art of abundance. Release old beliefs of scarcity and welcome the flow of opportunities and blessings into your life. With each breath, remember the infinite potential that resides within you, ready to be embraced and manifested.

Returning to the Present Moment

As the journey draws to a close, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the movement in your body, the softening of your mind, and the openness to abundance that surrounds you. Take a moment to appreciate the light, the raindrops, and the opportunities waiting to be explored in your own unique way.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative experience. Embrace the power of abundance, joy, and inner peace as you continue on your journey of self-discovery. Remember, your desires deserve attention, and the magic of your soul is always within reach.

If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires consider booking a Desire Session with Christel

Ready for a personalized Rites of Passage with Christel? The Embody Soul Purpose Series focuses on integrating parts of you that were lost along the way, in a soul retrieval process and activation of all 7 main chakras (energy centers). Being able to embrace all aspects of your life so far no matter what it was and create the greatest chapter of your life, no matter what your age. For more information to Embody Soul Purpose visit

Your journey to abundance starts here and now.

Create Beauty & Live your Life as Art #39

Create Beauty & Live your Life as Art #39

Are you seeking deeper meaning, purpose, and enjoyment in your life? Do you want to shift your perspective to see and create beauty every day? If so, you are invited to embark on a transformative journey with Christel Arcucci, a visionary on a mission to change your experience of pleasure, power, and money.

The Journey Begins
In a world filled with hustle and bustle, it’s easy to overlook the beauty that surrounds us. Christel invites you to tune into your heart center, to breathe deeply, and to embrace the present moment. Through a healing and hypnotic audio journey, she guides you to restore your nervous system, reclaim your power, and connect with your intuitive wisdom.

Discovering the Beauty Within
As you delve deeper into the exploration of beauty and creativity, you start to see yourself in a new light. You are the creator of your own journey, the artist painting the canvas of your life. With each breath, you breathe life into your vision, becoming the one who sees, creates, and amplifies beauty in every aspect of your existence.

Living Your Life as Art
Christel challenges you to view each day as a creative project, infusing mundane activities with beauty and purpose. By seeking and creating beauty in your interactions and surroundings, you begin to amplify your power and live your life as a masterpiece of art. Each breath becomes an opportunity to fuel your relationships, work, and community with deeper connection, love, and compassion.

Facing Challenges with Grace
Life is not without its challenges, but by approaching them with a mindset of beauty and creativity, you can navigate them with grace and ease. Through laughter, soul perspective, and a focus on positivity, you can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth and transformation.

Embodying Your Legacy
As you continue on this journey, you become the embodiment of beauty and creativity. Your energy radiates outwards, impacting not only your environment but also the people around you. By aligning your life with your soul vision and focusing on creating beauty in all that you do, you are writing a story of purpose and legacy.

Closing Thoughts
Embrace the magic of your soul and the power within you to create beauty and live your life as art. Take a moment to reflect on the beauty that already surrounds you, and envision the limitless possibilities that await when you approach life with an open heart and a creative spirit.

If you’re craving a deeper exploration of your desires, whether they are personal or professional, consider booking a desire session to delve into your dreams and clear limiting belief codes. Your desires deserve attention:

To learn more about Christel’s work and the Embody Soul Purpose Series, visit