Divine Desires: Harnessing Sacral Energy for Pleasurable Purpose & Creative Living #65


Imagine diving into a shimmering pool of pure creative potential—a place where every ripple awakens dormant passions and long-forgotten dreams. What if you could emerge from this magical immersion with the power to transform your entire life into a vibrant masterpiece of self-expression? In this blog post, we explore an episodic journey designed to unlock the secrets of your sacral chakra and ignite the creative fire that will illuminate every corner of your life.

Welcome to The Desire Sessions Podcast

I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to upgrade your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. You’re listening to The Desire Sessions Podcast: The Lightning Path to Discover Your Desires and Clear What’s Blocking You from Receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act; it’s time to live the life of your dreams. This healing and hypnotic audio journey supports you to enjoy your body, pleasure, and power.

The Invitation

I am thrilled to invite you to the “Manifest with Desire” series, where we unlock the power of your deepest longings to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Transform your desires into reality by joining this journey. To access the entire free series, visit manifestwithdesire.com and enter your name and email.

The Meditative Journey

Take a moment to find stillness, taking deeper and deeper breaths. Make yourself as comfortable and supported as possible. Gently close your eyes and soften your skin, belly, tongue, hands, feet, face, and throat.

Awakening the Divine Creative Force

Open your body, mind, and being to the flow of sacred creative energy. Let this journey awaken the dormant passions within your sacral center, igniting a flame of inspired living. Invite the wisdom of your deepest desires to guide you toward authentic self-expression and pleasurable purpose in every aspect of your life.

Exploring the Sacral Chakra

This transformative hypnotic journey takes you into the heart of your creative essence, exploring the vibrant energy of the sacral chakra—the wellspring of passion, pleasure, and creative potential within you. By awakening and balancing this powerful energy center, you’ll learn to infuse every aspect of your life with authentic creative expression.

Unlocking Your Authentic Creative Expression

This journey offers you the keys to unlock a more passionate, pleasurable, purposeful, and creatively fulfilled life. Let your deepest desires become the catalyst for powerful personal and spiritual growth.

Deep Healing and Reconnection

Dive deep into a state of support and relaxation, allowing yourself to settle and soften. Notice how your breath moves effortlessly through your body. Bring your attention inward and feel your shoulders and belly relax, turning your attention inside.

The Creative Alchemy

Imagine yourself gliding down a stone staircase to the sounds of water at the base, guided by your sacral chakra. As you descend, you feel more connected to your desires, even those you didn’t know you had. Embrace the power of your sacred center, your relationship to yourself, and the world around you.

Manifesting Your Desires

Immerse yourself in the healing waters, feeling the embrace of liquid desire. This pool of creative life force shapes itself around your desires, even before you consciously recognize them. Allow this moment to reset and clear your timeline, releasing blockages and unhealthy relationships with desire.

The Dance of Consciousness

In this healing space, explore the playful integration of conscious and unconscious beliefs, patterns, and desires. Embrace the challenges of being human as opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Remember your creative power—it’s time to navigate the paradoxes of life with joy.

Conclusion: Embracing Full Spectrum Living

Embrace the full spectrum of human experience, recognizing that our soul desires both light and shadow. By living in alignment with our desires, we inspire others and contribute to a greater good. Now is the time to create the life you desire, tapping into the power of your pleasure and purpose.

Reflective Self-Inquiry

Reflect on your creative journey: How do your daily routines nurture or inhibit your creative expression? What changes can align your life more closely with your desires? Consider the influence of past experiences on your beliefs about creativity and pleasure and how challenging them can transform your approach.

Thank you for being part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening. If you’re ready for a unique blend of hypnosis, energy healing, and timeline work, visit www.desiresession.com to book a personalized journey. I believe in the magic power of your soul and send you so much love.

Grounded Manifestation: Root Chakra Hypnosis to Align Desire with Purpose #64

Grounded Manifestation: Root Chakra Hypnosis to Align Desire with Purpose #64

Unlock the hidden power of your deepest desires may seem like a distant goal. However, through the art of hypnosis and spiritual reflection, you can align those desires with your life’s purpose. Join me, Christel Arcucci, on a journey where we explore the mysteries of your root chakra, intertwining your most authentic longings with your sense of security.

The Transformative Power of Desire

Imagine the transformative energy that lies dormant within, waiting to manifest your truest aspirations. This powerful energy can be unleashed by understanding the root chakra—known as the Muladhara in Sanskrit. This chakra is the foundation of your core energy system, harnessing your primal needs and desires. By tapping into this energy center, we uncover our authentic desires, release blockages, and cultivate a profound sense of safety and belonging.

Manifest with Desire Free Podcast Series

I’m very excited to invite you to join the Manifest with Desire Series, where we unlock the power of your deepest longings to create the life you’ve always dreamed of and transform your desires into reality.

If you would like to receive all the resources form the entire free Series, visit https://www.ManifestwithDesire.com and enter your name and email.

Setting your Intention

To set our intentions, I invite you to breathe deeply and visualize a vibrant red light glowing at the base of your spine. With each breath, this light grows brighter, grounding you in this sacred journey. Let us invoke the following prayer:

“Sacred Earth, I open myself to your grounding wisdom. Guide me to align my deepest desires with my pleasurable purpose and grant me the strength to manifest my soul potential. And so it is.”

Grounding Your Desires in Reality

This journey helps ground your desires in reality, empowering you to take inspired actions towards living your most fulfilling life. Desire and groundedness are essential to living your purpose. Allow your breath to move effortlessly, releasing the stresses of the day. Transition into a deeper state of relaxation, fostering a welcoming environment for manifestation.

The Spiral Staircase Journey

Visualize yourself at the top of a spiral staircase, a symbol of deep introspection and clearing. As you descend each step, imagine a cleansing energy passing through your mental, emotional, and physical body. This meditation takes you through your energy centers, from the crown of your head to the root, clearing blockages and opening pathways to manifest your desires.

Embracing the Full Spectrum of Your Experience

Being human means enjoying the full spectrum of experience, both highs and lows. Recognize your soul’s desires in the obstacles and challenges life presents. By weaving together conscious and unconscious experiences, you manifest not just what you want but also what you need for growth.

Expanding Your Capacity for Pleasure and Pain

Expand your capacity to accept pleasure and navigate pain. Both are integral parts of your soul’s journey. Embrace the process of embodying your true desires without guilt or shame, recognizing that every color in your life’s palette contributes to the masterpiece.

Integrating the Physical and Spiritual

Ground yourself in your physical environment—honor your body’s needs, listen to its wisdom, and integrate your consciousness into the rhythms of nature. As you nurture your physical temple, you empower all aspects of your soul, paving the way for a profound awakening.

Self-Inquiry for Manifestation

To deepen your journey, engage in self-inquiry:

– How do your earliest memories of safety influence your desires?
– In what ways does your connection to nature affect your ability to feel grounded?
– How might fears influence your desires, and what would they look like if you felt completely safe?

Reflect on these questions as you continue to explore and expand your relationship with desire and manifestation.

Sensual Hypnosis Desire Session

I invite you to join me for a sensual hypnosis Desire session by phone, a unique blend of hypnosis, energy healing and jumping timelines, we’ll align the power of your conscious and unconscious desires with your soul purpose, igniting a powerful force for manifestation in your life.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your desires?

Visit www.DesireSession.com to book your personalized transformative journey to be the woman of your dreams.


Grounded Manifestation: Root Chakra Hypnosis to Align Desire with Purpose #64

Unlock the hidden power of your deepest desires may seem like a distant goal. However, through the art of hypnosis and spiritual reflection, you can align those desires with your life’s purpose. Join me, Christel Arcucci, on a journey where we explore the mysteries of your root chakra, intertwining your most authentic longings with your sense of security.

The Transformative Power of Desire

Imagine the transformative energy that lies dormant within, waiting to manifest your truest aspirations. This powerful energy can be unleashed by understanding the root chakra—known as the Muladhara in Sanskrit. This chakra is the foundation of your core energy system, harnessing your primal needs and desires. By tapping into this energy center, we uncover our authentic desires, release blockages, and cultivate a profound sense of safety and belonging.

Manifest with Desire Free Podcast Series

I’m very excited to invite you to join the Manifest with Desire Series, where we unlock the power of your deepest longings to create the life you’ve always dreamed of and transform your desires into reality.

If you would like to receive all the resources form the entire free Series, visit https://www.ManifestwithDesire.com and enter your name and email.

Setting your Intention

To set our intentions, I invite you to breathe deeply and visualize a vibrant red light glowing at the base of your spine. With each breath, this light grows brighter, grounding you in this sacred journey. Let us invoke the following prayer:

“Sacred Earth, I open myself to your grounding wisdom. Guide me to align my deepest desires with my pleasurable purpose and grant me the strength to manifest my soul potential. And so it is.”

Grounding Your Desires in Reality

This journey helps ground your desires in reality, empowering you to take inspired actions towards living your most fulfilling life. Desire and groundedness are essential to living your purpose. Allow your breath to move effortlessly, releasing the stresses of the day. Transition into a deeper state of relaxation, fostering a welcoming environment for manifestation.

The Spiral Staircase Journey

Visualize yourself at the top of a spiral staircase, a symbol of deep introspection and clearing. As you descend each step, imagine a cleansing energy passing through your mental, emotional, and physical body. This meditation takes you through your energy centers, from the crown of your head to the root, clearing blockages and opening pathways to manifest your desires.

Embracing the Full Spectrum of Your Experience

Being human means enjoying the full spectrum of experience, both highs and lows. Recognize your soul’s desires in the obstacles and challenges life presents. By weaving together conscious and unconscious experiences, you manifest not just what you want but also what you need for growth.

Expanding Your Capacity for Pleasure and Pain

Expand your capacity to accept pleasure and navigate pain. Both are integral parts of your soul’s journey. Embrace the process of embodying your true desires without guilt or shame, recognizing that every color in your life’s palette contributes to the masterpiece.

Integrating the Physical and Spiritual

Ground yourself in your physical environment—honor your body’s needs, listen to its wisdom, and integrate your consciousness into the rhythms of nature. As you nurture your physical temple, you empower all aspects of your soul, paving the way for a profound awakening.

Self-Inquiry for Manifestation

To deepen your journey, engage in self-inquiry:

– How do your earliest memories of safety influence your desires?
– In what ways does your connection to nature affect your ability to feel grounded?
– How might fears influence your desires, and what would they look like if you felt completely safe?

Reflect on these questions as you continue to explore and expand your relationship with desire and manifestation.

Sensual Hypnosis Desire Session

I invite you to join me for a sensual hypnosis Desire session by phone, a unique blend of hypnosis, energy healing and jumping timelines, we’ll align the power of your conscious and unconscious desires with your soul purpose, igniting a powerful force for manifestation in your life.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your desires?

Visit www.DesireSession.com to book your personalized transformative journey to be the woman of your dreams.



Psychic Awakening: Transform Your Life with Timeline Healing Hypnosis #63

Psychic Awakening: Transform Your Life with Timeline Healing Hypnosis #63


Imagine being able to effortlessly tap into the wisdom of your past, the power of your present, and the potential of your future to create your dream life. Picture embarking on a hypnotic adventure that will weave together the threads of your timeline, unlocking the full spectrum of your intuitive gifts. Welcome to the transformative journey of psychic awakening and timeline healing, a path designed to help you realize your ultimate potential and heal old wounds.

Meet the host of the Desire Sessions Podcast, Christel Arcucci

I’m Christel Arcucci, and I am on a mission to upgrade your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. My work focuses on guiding you to discover your desires and clear the blocks preventing you from receiving what you truly want. You are now part of the Desire Sessions podcast, a space where we explore what’s blocking you from asking for and unapologetically receiving what you desire as an act of revolution.

The Power of Relaxation

To fully benefit from this healing and hypnotic journey, it’s ideal to listen in a place where you can relax and receive. Allow yourself to pull all of your energy and attention into the present moment with a deep breath. Feel the energy of your chakras awakening, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head, as you open yourself to the wisdom that flows through all points of your timeline.

Timeline Healing and Psychic Awakening

This transformative journey supports you in exploring the practice of Timeline Healing, a technique allowing you to access, heal, and integrate experiences from your past, empower your present, and shape your future. By working with the energy centers in your body and your innate psychic abilities, you’ll align your chakras across time, unlock dormant intuitive gifts, release old patterns that no longer serve you, and create a harmonious flow of energy throughout your entire being.

A Journey Through Timelines

As you settle into a state of relaxation, you’ll learn to recognize the three primary timelines:
1. What Is Most Likely to Happen: A sequence of events based on your past habits and experiences.
2. What Possibly Could Happen: An exciting and interesting future that deviates from the norm.
3. Your Dream Timeline: The life you’ve always desired, filled with joy, excitement, and fulfillment.

You’ll practice shifting your awareness and energy from the timeline of habitual experiences to one that amplifies your desire and soul gifts, moving closer to your dream life.

Activating Your Light Body

In this journey, you will experience your light body being activated, with your entire being filled with white light and vibrant energy. Your seven core chakras will support this transformation, acting as fuel for your healing and psychic awakening practice.

Embracing the Full Human Experience

You will recognize that even your dream timeline involves challenges; however, you’ll navigate them with greater ease, laughter, presence, and power. You’ll begin to relish the full spectrum of the human experience, including moments that you once took for granted, which will now become sources of pure delight and miracles.

The Path to Your Dream Life

To stay on your dream timeline, actively engage in creating it. Recognize the co-creative power you hold and learn to navigate between different timelines. Whenever you fall into old habits, reset and move towards what excites and aligns with you more.

Inquiry and Integration

Consider the following reflective questions to deepen your journey:
– How does your experience of time shift when you align your chakras and tap into your psychic abilities?
– What insights does this offer about your personal growth journey?
– How do the energies of your past, present, and future selves interact?
– What significant shifts did you notice in your chakras, and how do these relate to your current life challenges and aspirations?
– How can you nurture your hidden strengths or dormant psychic gifts?

Completion & Return

As you slowly return to your waking state, recognize the shifts in your energy body and integrate the insights gained from this journey into your daily life.

Invitation to Spiritual Women 40+

I want to extend a special invitation to women listeners over 40. If you are a spiritual woman passionate about exploring embodied intuition and wondering if there’s more to life after 40, this journey is for you. Let’s redefine what it means to live with vitality and adventure. Sign up for coaching or book a clarity call at https://www.AdventurousAging.com The best is yet to come, and I am excited to support you on this path.


Thank you for being part of the pleasure-led movement. Leave a review and follow us on your favorite podcast app. I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I’m sending you so much love.

Hypnosis Journey: Dancing with the Sun and Moon Within #62

Hypnosis Journey: Dancing with the Sun and Moon Within #62

Dancing with the Sun and Moon: Embrace Your Inner Solar and Lunar Energies


Imagine having the radiant power of the sun and the mystical intuition of the moon, perfectly balanced within you. Picture yourself moving through life with unwavering confidence, deeply connected to your inner wisdom and the world around you. This harmonious state isn’t just a fantasy—it’s a natural ability you can unlock through the embodied wisdom of solar and lunar energies.

My name is Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to enhance your connection with your body, pleasure, and personal power. Discover more about my work at embodysoulpurpose.com. You’re listening to the Desire Sessions Podcast, a lightning path to uncover your desires and clear what’s blocking you from receiving. Asking for what you want and receiving unapologetically is a revolutionary act.

Creating the Perfect Environment for Relaxation

This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to restore your nervous system, enabling you to enjoy your personal power. Ideally, you should listen in a place where you can relax and receive. This is the ninth week of the Ecstatic Empath Series in collaboration with the Sedona Soul Sisters Show. To receive all the resources from the entire free series, visit EcstaticEmpath.com and enter your name and email.

Balancing Solar and Lunar Energies

As we begin this journey, take a deep breath and feel the warmth of your inner sun radiating from your solar plexus, filling your body with vibrant, active energy. Then, sense the cool light of your inner moon at your sacral center, bathing you in receptive, nurturing energy. Each breath harmonizes these powerful forces within us, creating a balance of giving and receiving, action and intuition.

This transformative exploration of solar and lunar energies is crucial for developing psychic abilities and deepening intuition. The solar energy associated with your front body empowers your ability to project thoughts and intentions outward, while the lunar energy of your back body enhances your receptivity to subtle energies and intuitive insights.

Exploring the Chakras

Working with the solar and lunar energies can significantly enhance the healing and awakening power of the seven core chakras. When these energies are in balance, they bring you into your soul center, making it easier to live in alignment with your soul’s purpose and navigate life’s inevitable challenges.

Begin by making yourself comfortable. Rest or recline, perhaps cover your eyes with a mask or an eye pillow, and support your knees or neck. Create an environment that allows you to deeply receive and move your attention from the activity of your day into a deep state of relaxation.

Feel your breath moving in and out of your body with ease, knowing you are held by the sacred space we create together. Trusting your journey, you may either remain aware of the entire process or find yourself falling asleep; you will receive exactly what you need today.

Guided Visualization

Visualize your spirit body standing high on a mesa with bare feet connected to the earth and the infinity of the space above. On your right is the setting sun, and on your left is the rising moon. Extend your arms and feel the energetic differences; the sun rests in your right hand, the moon in your left. You receive the moon’s intuitive power through your left hand, moving into your heart, and then out of your right hand to the sun.

Each of your seven core chakras is cleared, aligned, and activated by this process. Breathe in the radiant golden light of the sun while the moon’s silver light bathes your back. This alchemy heals your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies.

Lunar & Solar Chakra Activation

Root Chakra: Inhale the silver lunar light through the back of your root chakra, into your core. Exhale, releasing energy from your core through the front of your body. Repeat this process with the golden solar light, balancing receiving and releasing energies.

Sacral Chakra: Inhale, opening the back of your body to the lunar light, then exhale, releasing through the front. Repeat with the golden solar light, balancing your sacral chakra.

Solar Plexus: Focus your attention on the front of your body, inhaling the golden solar light and exhaling through the back. Then, reverse the process with the lunar light.

Heart Center: Open your back to receive the lunar light and the front to release. Alternate this with opening the front to the golden solar light and releasing through the back.

Throat Center: Inhale the golden solar light through the front of your throat and release through the back. Then, receive the lunar light through the back and release through the front.

Third Eye: Receive lunar insights through the back of your third eye and release through the front. Alternate this with receiving the golden solar light from the front and releasing through the back.

Crown Chakra: Open the front of your chakras to the golden solar light and the back to the lunar light. Feel these energies uniting in your core, supporting each chakra.

Self-Inquiry and Reflection

Reflect on how fully embracing both your solar and lunar energies could transform your life. Consider the following questions:

1. How might your beliefs and experiences change if you fully embraced both your solar active and lunar receptive powers?
2. In what ways have you neglected either your solar or lunar aspects, and how could nurturing both transform your approach to manifesting desires?
3. Reflect on a recent success. How did it involve a balance of action and intuition?
4. Consider a challenging area. How might working with the chakras and solar and lunar energies support a shift in perspective?
5. If you fully trusted your ability to take inspired action and follow intuitive guidance, what bold steps would you take towards your dreams?


Thank you for being a part of this pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening. Let’s discover how you can embody freedom and live a life that excites you every single day.

Invitation to the Adventurous Aging Program

For women listeners over 40, I invite you to explore the Adventurous Aging Program. It’s not just about fitness but about reconnecting with your body’s wisdom, aligning with your soul purpose, and embracing a life full of vitality and adventure.

I’ve created the Adventurous Aging Journey designed specifically for women who are ready to redefine what’s possible. It’s not just about fitness. It’s about reconnecting with your body’s wisdom, aligning with your soul purpose, and embracing a life full of vitality and adventure.

You can sign up for this series or book a Clarity Call at Adventurous-Aging.com*Conclusion

Life doesn’t stop at 40—the best is yet to come. I’m excited to support your journey.

Leave a review and follow us on your favorite podcast app. Believe in the magic power of your soul. Sending you so much love.

Guided Hypnosis to Unlock Your Psychic Powers of Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras #61

Guided Hypnosis to Unlock Your Psychic Powers of Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras #61

Imagine Unlocking the Gateway to Your Highest Potential

Imagine unlocking the gateway to your highest potential and deepest wisdom simultaneously. In this hypnotic journey, you’ll activate the cosmic eighth chakra above your head and the grounding earth star chakra below your feet. This powerful energy channel amplifies your intuition and manifestation abilities, balancing often overlooked energy centers, and expanding your consciousness to tap into realms of possibilities you never knew existed. Are you ready to transform your perception of reality and unlock the extraordinary connections to the powers above and below?

Welcome to Desire Sessions Podcast #61

I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to upgrade your experience with your body, pleasure, and power. Learn more about my work at embodysoulpurpose.com. You’re listening to the Desire Sessions podcast, the lightning path to discover your desires. This healing and hypnotic audio journey is designed to support you in restoring your nervous system so you can enjoy personal power. Ideally, you’re listening in a place where you can relax and receive.

I’m excited that this is the eighth week of the Ecstatic Empath Series in collaboration with the Sedona Soul Sisters show. If you’d like to receive all the resources from the entire free Ecstatic Empath Series, visit ecstaticempath.com and enter your name and email.

Begin Your Journey

Close your eyes and place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Take a deep breath. Feel the energy of the earth beneath you and the vast expanse of the cosmos above. As you embark on this hypnotic journey, allow your consciousness to expand, embracing both your earthly essence and your cosmic potential.

Awakening the Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras

This exploration focuses on two powerful energy centers often overlooked: The Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet and the 8th Chakra, also known as the Soul Star Chakra, above your head. These vital energy centers serve as gateways, with the Earth Star anchoring you to the grounding wisdom of the earth and the Soul Star connecting you to the limitless knowledge of the universe.

By awakening and balancing these chakras, you can enhance your intuitive abilities, deepen your spiritual connection, and unlock hidden psychic potential. This hypnotic journey guides you through the process of activating and harmonizing these energy centers, offering you a unique opportunity for profound personal growth and expanded consciousness.

The Importance of These Chakras

The Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras are crucial in psychic development and intuition because they extend our energetic field beyond the physical body, creating a broader spectrum for receiving and interpreting subtle information. The Earth Star Chakra grounds us firmly in physical reality, providing a stable foundation for psychic work and protecting us from energetic overwhelm. It enhances our ability to sense Earth energies, tap into ancestral wisdom, and maintain balance during psychic practices.

The Soul Star Chakra serves as an access point to higher realms of consciousness, facilitating clear communication with spirit guides, access to Akashic records, and reception of universal wisdom. This chakra amplifies our psychic abilities, especially for clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition, by attuning us to higher vibrational frequencies. Together, these chakras create a powerful energetic channel that allows for safe and grounded exploration of psychic abilities.

The Deepening Journey

If you haven’t already, make yourself as comfortable and supported as possible, allowing your entire physical body to rest and move into a deeper state of consciousness. Soften your jaw, eyes, tongue, throat, hands, belly, hips, and feet. Allow your body to feel heavy, settled, and fully supported. As your physical body relaxes deeply, your spirit body stands with ease, rooted on the earth with a tall, gentle, open posture.

Visualize the golden capsule holding the seven core chakras in the central channel. Below your feet, see the Earth Star Chakra, an extension of your energy body in the earth. Above your head, see the glowing, iridescent Soul Star Chakra. By bringing your attention to these two centers, you will notice the profound impact they have on your seven core chakras.

Embrace the Changes

As you bring your awareness to the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet, you may feel a sense of profound grounding, stability, presence, and trust. Similarly, the iridescent Soul Star Chakra above your head connects you with cosmic energy and higher wisdom. Recognize this deep energetic connection that these powerful centers have been primed for you to accelerate your embodied awakening and amplify your intuitive gifts.

By working with these two extensions of your energy body, you bring a very different operating system into your awareness. This wisdom is already integrated into your system, and you have immediate access to these powers. You may visualize yourself walking barefoot on the land, feeling the energy center below you and the center above guiding and directing you.

Moving Forward

See yourself traveling through your life, navigating your human existence while aligned with these two centers above and below, and feel the clarity about your soul assignment. By working with these chakras, you can amplify your ability to manifest your desires. These centers also act as filters, making it easier to transmit and receive information, enhancing your connection with the divine and supporting your growth in all aspects of your life.

Take deeper breaths, move your body gently, and stretch in ways that feel good for you. As you bring more awareness back into the room, you will be ready for the self-inquiry questions provided for further contemplation or journaling.

Reflecting on Your Journey

1. Limiting Beliefs: What limiting beliefs about your ability to manifest abundance and security surfaced? How might you reframe these beliefs to align with your highest potential?
2. Life Purpose: While exploring the eighth chakra, what new insights or perspectives about your life purpose emerged? How can you integrate these into your daily actions and long-term activities?
3. Empowering Behaviors: During the integration of the Earth Star and the Eighth Chakra energies, what patterns or habits did you recognize that no longer serve your growth? What new empowering behaviors could you adopt to replace them?
4. Intuitive Development: Reflect on your psychic and intuitive development during this journey. How has your perception of abilities shifted, and in what ways can you more fully trust and act upon your inner guidance?
5. Balance: After experiencing the full energetic channel between the Earth Star and the 8th Chakra, how has your understanding of the balance between spiritual aspiration and earthly responsibilities evolved? What specific actions can you take to maintain this balance in pursuit of your dreams?

Adventurous Aging

Thank you for being a part of the pleasure-led movement. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

I want to extend a special invitation to our women listeners over 40. If you’re a spiritual woman excited by the exploration of embodied intuition and wondering if there’s more to life after 40, I’ve created the Adventurous Aging Journey specifically for you.

It’s not just about fitness; it’s about reconnecting with your body’s wisdom, aligning with your soul purpose, and embracing a life full of vitality and adventure. Sign up for this series or book a clarity call at www.Adventurous-Aging.com

Let’s discover how you can embody freedom and live a life that excites you every single day.

Remember, life doesn’t stop at 40—the best is yet to come. I’m excited to talk with you.

Leave a review and follow on your favorite podcast app. I believe in you and the magic power of your soul. I’m sending you so much love.