Sometimes my soul speaks in words I don’t understand.
I’m Christel Arcucci. You’re listening to the Embody Wealthy Podcast. The lightning path for world-changing women to create millions, embody wealthy, and enjoy a pleasurable life aligned with nature and in service to love.
I listen closely. I follow the guidance that I feel in my body, deep in the bones of my being.
My mind second-guesses to coax me to conform and confine how I move, speak, breathe and be in the world because a part of me wants to fit in.
The truth of my soul is Love.
Love wants to be authentically expressed, which is often so far from fitting in.
Following the voice, My soul is tuning into my breath and my courageous heart to liberate the impulse for freedom.
I am curious about the power that lives in me.
The desire gaining strength within me every day, in every way.
With each passing year, the pressure is rising, the intensity increasing, and I can no longer resist.
When I resist, the darkness descends, and the heaviness tries to make sure that I don’t get out of bed. Oh yes, it tries to seduce me to hide instead of rise in power.
The fear and wanting to hide is so great.
My inner guidance say, “go ahead and hide, it’s the greatest game of hide and seek.”
When I am connected to freedom in my body-mind, I am the divine expression of expansion and contraction, concealment and revelation, creation and destruction.
When I play, I am curious, innocent, open.
Following my breath, I hear my soul more clearly.
I am more alive, connected, free, aligned and oh, it feels so good.
Deconstructing the programming which caused me to disconnect from who I am and what I want to do in the world.
And I feel the pulse of life in me, as me, as the One which is breathing, being and creating it all.
I am connected.
I am guided.
I am alive.
I am aligned with Love.
The courageous act of listening to my soul and taking action aligned with love, oh yes!
This is the feeling of devotion, dedication and commitment to the truth of my soul.
I am listening to the voice of my soul.
I am following your guidance, your play of expansion, contraction, concealment and revelation, of life and death.
I align with the truth of free will and enjoy this wild ride of playing hide and seek with my Divine self while being human.
I am expressing the power of my soul with one courageous breath and one step at a time.
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Thank you for being here. It’s a pleasure to co-create and embody wealthy with you.
You’re listening to the Embody Wealthy Podcast. The lightning path for world-changing women to create millions, embody wealthy, and enjoy a pleasurable life aligned with nature and in service to love.
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I believe in you and the magic power of your soul.
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I am sending you so much love!